Throughout the school year, students in Mr. Maturo’s Twice Exceptional Game Design class have been meeting weekly to learn about programming and video game design.  The class covered different elements of good game design such as challenge and accessibility, sound design, and different genres of games.  The class learned to program using Clickteam Fusion 2.5, a professional software suite used to create popular and best-selling titles such as Five Nights at Freddy’s for Android and iOS and Freedom Planet which is available on PC and home consoles.  After being taught to make two different types of games–one arcade-style puzzle game and one physics based game–the class was set free to create their own independent projects.  The results are some interesting and creative indie-game projects that show the learning that took place in class.

The students who have taken part in the Twice Exceptional Game Design class have taken their first steps towards careers in video game and software development.