On Tuesday, November 14th, our elementary school students were visited by Sadecky’s Puppets for an educational but heartfelt performance called “Good Fortune.” The students were not only entertained but learned some valuable life lessons.

The show was about a boy that wasn’t always the nicest person to his family, friends or strangers.  One night, while he is eating Chinese food he reaches for his fortune cookie. Upon opening the cookie he receives a fortune which reads, “Be kind to others, and the rewards will be great.” Although he doesn’t believe it, he decides to give it a try. Reminiscent of the Golden Rule, he begins to realize that the way he treats people has a direct impact on how he is treated and may have unforeseen influence on future encounters and situations in his life.

21st century life skills

At the Calais School, we recognize that nurturing the social skills and character building of children is extremely important. Sadecky’s Puppets shares a lot of the same values and incorporates story lines that touch on issues like respect, manners, peer pressure and honesty.

Sadecky’s Puppets Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing quality educational and entertaining programs for children in the primary grade levels, to enlighten and enrich them in the arts and enhance their character education.