Did you know that Calais has a state-recognized Career and Technical Education Program?  Related course offerings include Graphic Design, Floral and Landscaping Design, Media Communications, Child Care, General Business Practices and Culinary Arts.

Through hands-on instruction and a series of fun but relevant projects, the Calais Graphic Arts students are learning the technical skills required for a career in Graphic Design. Earlier this year students were tasked with the project of designing professional posters to display the courses of study available through the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program at Calais.

Students were provided with project guidelines to create their own original poster designs. During the project, students learned first-hand how to apply graphic design best practices and professional tips and techniques for generating posters and signs that are high quality and professional grade for printing.

nj state approved career and technical education programThe students started with a brainstorming session to decide on a general idea of the look and feel of their posters. Some students even took to google image searches and other outlets for inspiration. Once a general idea was set, images and design elements were imported to Photoshop and the real fun began. Each student spent a lot of time planning, positioning and editing their posters using the same software that professional graphic designers use in the industry.  They learned about special features and design elements like stroke, glow, kerning and more.  Students also learned how to consider spacing, font, texture, color combinations and other details when creating a cohesive design that renders properly in a printed medium.

With each student creating several beautiful custom posters, it was difficult to select the final posters that would be displayed at the school and enjoyed by all.

For more information about our Career and Technical Education click here.