Thank you Michele C. Hollow, Calais Foundation Board Trustee, for this article profiling The Calais School’s very own super smelling pup, Cali!

“Cali was trained to detect rising levels of cortisol, which is the stress hormone our adrenal glands secrete when we become anxious or stressed. When we are agitated, cortisol levels in our bloodstream rise and put out a scent that we can’t smell. Dogs, however, can. It’s Cali’s job to let Roerden know if a student’s cortisol levels are high.”

Cali isn’t the only super smelling superstar around our halls. She is actually one of three working dogs at The Calais School. Sage, a German shorthaired pointer, and Cleo, a beagle, are both rescues. All three of our furry friends are part of the school’s Animal Assisted Therapy program.

Read the article here. Follow Michele on Twitter @michellechollow to read more of her work on children, health, and animals!