The Calais School is proud to announce our graduating class of 2016!  Six high school seniors and ten 8th graders participated in The Calais School’s 45th commencement ceremony, celebrating their accomplishments and hard work.

Students have been preparing for their graduation day for a long time, but Mrs. V, Mrs. Liberato, and Ms. Ciok helped the young men get ready for the ceremony.

DSC_0280Assistant Principal Steve Sokolewicz welcomed the audience, which included proud parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, school board members, and staff, and started the celebration of student achievement. His reminded us all that,

The time spent at Calais for these students has been one of exploration, innovation, and socialization. A time in which they can look back fondly on the friends made and experiences shared… and finally, a time in which they created relationships that will help shape the rest of their lives.

Executive Director David Leitner’s opening remarks encouraged all of our graduates to never let other people define who you are.

You might have heard people try to describe you as ADD, autistic, depressed, anxious, learning disabled, or whatever. While these labels might be helpful in trying to describe HOW you function in certain circumstances, it does not describe you as a person or tell us what you are capable of!

He encouraged all of us to not let what we cannot do interfere with the things we CAN do. He also acknowledged our school board and celebrated the founder of The Calais School, Charlotte Leitner. Her vision and commitment over the years made our 45th commencement ceremony possible!

Student musicians played perennial graduation song, "Pomp and Circumstance" as well as "America the Beautiful" and "Smoke on the Water."

Student musicians played perennial graduation song, “Pomp and Circumstance” as well as “America the Beautiful” and “Smoke on the Water.”

One common theme of the ceremony was gratitude for Calais School faculty and staff.  Their compassion and expertise provide students with the educational and therapeutic programs to help them excel. Mr. Sokolewicz and Mr. Leitner both thanked them for their dedication and hard work, but it was the students’ reflections and shout-outs to their teachers and counselors that told the real story of how the Calais School staff make a difference in the lives of our students.

Each senior shared their experiences at The Calais School speeches that moved us, inspired us, and made us laugh. Seniors thanked their family, friends, teachers, and counselors for their support. Each student took a moment to thank the people that made a particular impact on them. Their stories were heartfelt and humorous.

Oscar spoke eloquently about how he felt when he started at The Calais School:

I have attended The Calais School for many years now.  When I first started I felt frustrated.  Before I came to Calais I went to public school where the teachers ignored me. The teachers here are kind and understanding. They help me learn.

Justin W. and Justin S. shared about they have grown in the past few years:

I have grown since I first started school here. I was very sensitive and got upset easily.  I have learned to be more assertive and stand up for myself.  If I needed help with my assignments, I learned to ask for assistance.

-Justin W.

The Calais School prepared me for the future by helping me become more patient and responsible. I learned how to be more assertive as well as being given the opportunity to demonstrate what a caring person I am.

-Justin S.

Jon gave some advice to our eighth-grade graduates:

I’d like to wish the best of luck to my fellow 12th grade graduates in whatever they choose to pursue after Calais, and I also wish the best of luck to my fellow 8th grade graduates as you go into high school. Don’t stress yourselves out too much, you’re not in a rush to graduate. Take some time and learn about yourself, what you like and what you don’t. That is a big part of high school, learning who you truly are.

Josiah sang the 12 Plus Program’s praises in his speech:

The Calais School has helped prepare me for the future by learning that I can work in a variety of work sites. I have learned that I enjoy doing many jobs and am good at them!

Andrew made everyone laugh but spoke earnestly about finding how to channel his energy through work:

Working in the Transition Program and SLE was one of my biggest achievements at The Calais School. I learned what having a good work ethic means. I learned that what you bring to the table at a job defines the person you are.  Through experience I realize that I am not the kind of person to sit behind a desk. My productivity and progress shines at a job that involves lots of movement and organization.

Congratulations to the class of 2016 and best wishes for a bright and happy future! We wish you joy and success in the years ahead and look forward to seeing many of you during the summer program and in 12 Plus next year!


Thank you Mrs. Russo for the delicious desserts to celebrate the day!